Nina Ognivchuk shared ministry activities she’s involved with through the Inspiration Centre in the Ukraine:

Vacation Bible Study (VBS) – God gave us the opportunity to organize four VBSs. One village had their first VBS. Most of the children had never heard the Gospel. Praise the Lord, we met these children’s parents on the last day of each VBS and witnessed to them.

“Gypsy” Camp – our first Gypsy (or the Romanian people) camp was held in a local forest. God blessed us with wonderful sunny weather like what God puts in our hearts. Four people were saved and another forty heard the Gospel while enjoying an evening program around the campfire, drinking tea and sharing testimonies.

Baptism – Two people were baptized this summer—a sixty-two-year-old grandmother and a seventeen-year-old girl. They came to know God thanks to the ministry of the Inspiration Centre. Please pray for salvation of Gypsy (Romanian) people in Ukraine!